Business hours at Camino Verde Pet Resort

Monday through Friday 9AM-12Pm 1PM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-4 PM
Sunday 11AM- 4PM
All major Holidays 11AM-2PM
Christmas Eve day 9AM-2PM
New Years day CLOSED
Christmas day CLOSED
Drop off and pick up time is any time during business hours. You will be charged by the day- not by the night- not by the hours.
A drop off or pick up before or after business hours needs to be arranged for at an additional fee of $30.00 per hour started. This charge is to be prepaid- and none refundable if not canceled 24 hours in advance.
Yes, the picture shows “minding my business during Business Hours“!
Dog- and Cat Boarding in Tucson at its very best
Leave your pet with professionals and be worry free!
[email protected] 520-883-8464
Camino Verde Pet Resort is a full service facility providing Boarding, Grooming Cats and Dogs as well as Training for your Dog. Exotic Pets are also welcomed.
Family owned and operated for more than 30 years